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Signs and Symptoms of Polymyositis

July 15, 2018

Polymyositis is an inflammatory disease that results in muscle weakness on both sides of the body. This muscle weakness can make certain day-to-day tasks including climbing stairs, lifting objects, reaching overhead, and rising after being seated extremely difficult. People in their 30s, 40s, and 50s are more likely to be affected by polymyositis. With proper care from our rheumatologist in Nassau County at New York Integrated Rheumatology, we can make sure you receive the best treatment possible for your polymyositis.


The cause of most cases of polymyositis is unclear to the medical community. What is known is that the body's immune system turns against its own muscles as an autoimmune response, damaging muscle tissue in the process. Although it isn't genetic, there are genetic factors that can influence it. Other factors include HIV, the hepatitis B vaccine, and certain drugs.  

Signs & Symptoms

If you are suffering from polymyositis then you may experience a series of symptoms which include:

  • Muscle pain and stiffness.
  • Muscle weakness in the abdomen, shoulders, upper arms, and hips.
  • Joint pain and stiffness.
  • Trouble catching your breath and swallowing.
  • Irregular heartbeat.

If you have any of these symptoms, contact our Rheumatologist in Nassau County so we can evaluate and devise a treatment plan that is right for you.


Treatment will vary depending on the severity of conditions from case to case. Common treatment practices include:

  • Medications- Corticosteroids can be used to treat symptoms of polymyositis but must be used with a Corticosteroid-sparing agent in order to lower potential side effects. Rituximab can also be used if therapies don’t control your initial symptoms.
  • Therapy- Physical therapy will help you maintain muscle strength and flexibility. Speech therapy will help you compensate if your swallowing muscles are affected.   
  • Dietetic Assessment- A medical professional can help you to understand what foods are best for your bodily condition in order to improve quality-of-life.

Contact our Rheumatologist in Nassau County so we can devise a plan that works for you!

How A Rheumatologist Can Help You

Our rheumatologist in Nassau County can discern the severity of your condition and find proper treatment. We use current conventional therapies as well as neuropathic treatments. This will help to restore functionality and block any further muscle damage. To develop a plan that works for you, contact our rheumatologist in Nassau County!